Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Yi and the 10 suns

Telling Legends

Matua Alwyn shared some legends with us. He used the blocks to show a map of the legend as it is told.

We have been looking at legends with Eliza - comparing Maui and the sun to Yi and the 10 suns. Yi is a traditional Chinese legend that has a number of similarities to Maui and the sun.

Here is a link if you are interested in reading some Maori Legends.

Matai are now writing their own legends about the sun. Some are using imitation writing to create their stories and others have brainstormed original legends.

Maui & Mahu-ika
Hatupatu & his brothers

Puberty Plays

In puberty small groups were given different scenarios that they had to turn into 1 minute skits.
Each skit needed to show the problem, offer a solution and show who might be able to help you.

For example: 'You see a child in your class being bullied' or 'You feel anxious because your body is changing because of puberty'.

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Letter to the Minister

7th November 2013

Hon Hekia Parata
Minister of Education
Private Bag 18 888
Parliament Buildings
Wellington 6160

Dear Minister,

We’re year 4 and 5 students from Clyde Quay School. In winter more and more students are freezing. We would really appreciate it if you would double glaze our windows and insulate our classroom walls and ceilings because it keeps the warmth in and the cost down.

Children get sick because it’s damp and cold also they miss out on education and you are the person that should be stopping this kind of stuff. Do you really want us to spend your money because we can’t find a job if we weren't educated enough?

People are crowding the heater which makes the hot air go back into the heater. This will make the heater blow up will and make us so much colder than before. If we insulate the classrooms we will save electricity because we won’t be crowding the heater and be wasting money.

Double glazed windows and bats in the wall can be helpful to us. It can help to keep us warm and save electricity. Here at CQS we would really appreciate it if you would insulate our walls and double glaze our windows.

Yours sincerely.

Joel, Renee, Rove and Sophie

Friday, 8 November 2013

Envirovision 2013

On Friday we shared all of our learning and presentations with the school community. This included all of our inquiry work for terms 3 and 4, with a focus on electricity. The kids said it was great to be able to share their work with parents and students. They also enjoyed being able to go to other classes and see what the rest of the school has been doing in their inquiry work around Enviroschools.

Kahikatea and Matai have been working together to research and present their work. As you can see the tables in Matai were crammed with all of the fantastic presentations they have been working on.

M@tai Masterchef

Do you have a favourite recipe that your family loves to cook?.... and you love to eat!

We would like to make a Matai Cookbook for 2013 and make it available on the blog for families to share.

Your mission if you choose to accept it is:
Find a recipe that your family loves to cook.
Write out the ingredients list (including measurements eg. Cup, teaspoon etc).
Explain how you add the ingredients together and cook/bake it.
If you have a photo – include it (Or maybe there is a photo online that you can use?)
Write the recipe out in a document or use Google doc and share/email to Keith.

I will make a PDF of our 2013 cookbook and share it on the blog pages. You have till Friday 29th November to email it to me.


Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Card Shuffle

The year 5s have begun their puberty unit this term. We have been looking at ways that we can make sure that everyone feels safe to ask questions and support each other.

Today we have been doing a card shuffle - the kids needed to place pictures of people in order, from youngest to oldest. They then placed cards that identified each of the stages in a person's life from baby to elderly. Here are some of the groups working together to order their cards correctly. Lots of great communication to get the job done.

Monday, 4 November 2013

Working hard for Envirovision

Matai have been working hard in their groups to get ready for Envirovision on Friday 8th November. They have used information from our two local experts to research ways that Clyde Quay can reduce their electricity usage. We look forward to showing you our inquiry work for term 3 and 4.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Wisdom from Roger Miller

Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet.

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