Monday, 30 November 2015

Flag Statistic Investigation

Click on this link to see instructions and all the information you need to complete the task


Imitating Eric Carle

We watched the video links to Eric Carle and focused on the techniques he used when creating an artwork. We identified a range of ways that he added texture and pattern to his work.

Once we had worked out how he did it then it was time...
Sketch an image
Trace it with tissue paper
Paint the different parts (with a focus on patterns, texture and mixing colours)
Pasting the different elements onto a new piece if paper.

This was a challenging task. Not only did we have to try and imitate Eric's techniques but there was also lots of problem solving.

What objects can we use to create texture to our artwork?
How can we manage all the pieces of our artwork?
How can we handle tissue paper when painting and drying it without any ripping?
What order do they need to be pasted onto the paper?
What is the best brush for painting and pasting?
How do we do whole class art (54 students) in an MLE space?

Here are our final artworks.....

Friday, 20 November 2015

Ordering decimals to ten thousandths

Here are a couple of videos from Khan Academy that will discuss ordering fractions. As they suggest - try pausing the video at the beginning and see if you can order them correctly before watching the full video. Did you get them correct?

There is a green button at the top right of the screen called PRACTICE THIS CONCEPT. When you think you have it click on the button and try some of the problems.

Below the two videos is a link to a game for ordering decimals. Another good tool for practicing the ordering of decimals.

Comparing decimals: ordering from least to greatest: This is a fun example where we reorder decimals from smallest to largest. You're looking for the place value that is the most signifiant, and then working backwards.

Comparing decimals: ordering from smallest to biggest: Let's move the decimals around and reorder them from least to greatest. Hint: look at one place value and then compare it to the decimals before moving on to the next place value.

Here is the link to Top Marks - Ordering decimals 

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Imitating Artisits

We used some of the artists from our artist study to imitate their artworks and techniques.
The purpose of this artwork was to use paint and mix colours.
Can you guess some of the artists that we used for inspiration?

Online games for adding decimals

Check out this game - Number Conundrum Decimals

Great way to problem solve and add decimals at the same time!

You can change the difficulty of the game by going into the settings at the bottom right of the screen to give yourself a challenge.

Here is another game that lets you practice adding your decimals and shoot soccer goals at the same time - Soccer Math

Monday, 16 November 2015

Artwork of Eric Carle

Tomorrow we will be following the techniques of Eric Carle to create our own artwork.

Here is a link to some examples of his artwork and videos where he explains technique.

We look forward to sharing the finished products with you once they have been completed.

This is the success criteria for our artwork.

Monday, 9 November 2015

Toia Mai performed by Matai and Totara

School Journal Haiku follow up task

You stupid penguin
go in refrigerator,
not antarctica.
By Arlo & Sean

Look Stegosaurus
hide! Tyrannosaurus-Rex
                                                                  dead Stegosaurus.
                                                                    By Arlo & Sean

Flowers are blooming
springtime is coming to town
spring is all around.
By Arlo & Sean

Help me will you
I am stuck in a haiku
factory before.
By Arlo & Sean

Look over there dear
Bumble bee sits on oak tree
it might sting your face.
By Arlo & Sean

I’m doing a haiku
For my reading example
After this I’m done
By Dylan & rove

There is a spider
it’s in a learning journal
now it is outside
By Dylan & Rove

Keith is a teacher
he is a sporty teacher
he is a nice guy.
By Rove & dylan

Unturned is a game
there are a lot of zombies
it is a cool game.
By Rove & Dylan

Have a big birthday.
We all know you deserve it.
So have a great big day!
by Eliza

The dark grey wolf cub.
Hiding in the black of night.
The silvery ghost
by Eliza

Beauty is the key
Im going to make some tea
I like your beauty.
By Holly and Siena

I like to eat food
From the refrigerator
I love cheese and peas.
By Siena and Holly

I like vanilla
Lemon gelato is yum
Do you like chocolate?
By Siena and Holly

Ice cream and chocolate
Butter chicken and roti
Which one do you choose?
By Siena, Eve and Holly

Link to IKAN practice activities

Each term students are tested on their maths knowledge.
This is in the form of number knowledge, fractions, basic facts and place value.
The link to this document means they can target areas of maths knowledge that need to be maintained or practiced.

Link to IKAN practice activities

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