Sunday, 31 January 2016

Karaka Newsletter

We have had a fantastic first day back getting to know each other and enjoying the glorious Wellington weather.

Here is the link to our first newsletter for 2016.

If you need a new copy of the Single Sign On Agreement here it is.

We also welcome you to subscribe to our blog posts.
If you would like to be emailed when new posts are made then add your email. You will be sent a confirmation email and it is important that you open this and click on the link otherwise it will not work.

Learning about our team mates

Learning about our team mates

We have been learning about our table group and what they like. We had to write this down on a sheet and then memorise that for a quiz. A table group is a group of 4/5 kids working together to help each other.-Jack, Tim, Payton and Charlotte.

Monday, 25 January 2016

Welcome back to 2016

We hope you have all had a relaxing and enjoyable break. 

Keith, Leon and Micheline are looking forward to embracing Modern Learning Practice in Karaka!

We will be teaching and learning together, providing an engaging and challenging learning environment for all learners. We plan to teach students strategies to become more active and focused in their learning.

Each student has a home group, made up of students from Year 5-6. Please contact your child’s home group teacher in the first instance if you have any queries.

Students and teachers will work together to identify next learning steps using assessment and reflections. It is likely that your child/children will have learning experiences with all three teachers during the year.  

We will be planning and teaching collaboratively to access the strengths of our team, ensuring we provide rich learning experiences for everyone!

Nga mihi
Keith, Leon and Micheline 
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